

§ 1
1. These Regulations govern the obligations of the participants of the adaptive camp Kozminski Summer Camp 2022, as well as the consequences resulting from failure to fulfil these obligations.
2. The organizer of the camp is Kozminski University in Warsaw, based Jagiellońska street, no. 57/59, hereinafter referred to as the “organizer”.
3. The camp starts on 16/09/2024 and ends on 20/09/2024. In exceptional circumstances, the organizer reserves the right to terminate the camp earlier.

1. Participants in the camp, hereinafter referred to as "Participants", may only be persons designated by the Organizer - newly enrolled students
2.  The participant is obliged to register his/her stay, by providing a document with a photo.
3. During the camp, the participant is obliged to comply with following regulations and is aware the consequences for disobeying them.
4. The participant is obliged to behave impeccably towards the staff and other participants and maintain order in his/her room. The participant is strictly prohibited from using violence and aggression.
5. The participant is obliged to report to the organizer early termination of the stay in the camp, in written form.


1 . The camp is run by the Camp Manager, who is entitled to make all decisions by himself, in all matters covered by this Regulation and other matters concerning the camp and its participants.
2. During the camp, the participant is obliged to comply with orders and instructions of the organizer, the Camp Manager and those designated as camp staff.

1. Through his participation in the camp, the participant declares that he/she is in good health, that allows safe participation in the camp.
2. The program activities are mandatory. The participant is required to take part in at least two compulsory activities each day (2 sport activities or 1 sport + 1 educational activity).
3. First absence in class is punished with a warning, second absence is punished with expelling from the camp.


1 . Violation of this regulations, inappropriate behavior during the camp, in particular:
1)      Disobedience of Camp Manager or camp staff,
2)      Disturbance of night silence,
3)      Abuse of alcohol,
4)      Usage of drugs,
5)      Other offensive behavior,
6)      Behavior posing a threat to the health and safety of the participant or others is the basis for the disciplinary actions, undertaken by the Camp Manager.

2. Disciplinary actions, mentioned in paragraph 1, are:
1) Informing the parents of the participant about his behavior,
2) Informing the Kozminski University authorities about participants behavior,
3) Expulsion warning,
4) Expulsion from the camp.

3. The Camp Manager decides on the type and the application of disciplinary actions.
4. The Camp Manager can decide to impose the most severe action, prior to usage of the remaining actions. The Camp Manager may decide to apply all disciplinary measures together.
5. Abuse of alcohol and disturbance of night silence in particular will be severely punished with expulsion from the camp. In justified cases the law enforcement authorities will be informed about the abusive behavior of the participant.
6. The participant is obliged to leave the camp not later than within 5 hours after the decision of expulsion from the camp.
7.  Regardless of the disciplinary measures, mentioned in paragraph 2, the authorities of Kozminski University and other authorized units may apply the penalties resulting from the Regulations of Studies, the Law on Higher Education and other legal acts.


1. Participants are obliged to leave occupied rooms of the camp in perfect condition on the last day.
2. The participant is responsible for the sports and training equipment he/she uses. In case of any damage done, the participant is obliged to cover the expenses for repairs. The decision is made by the Camp Manager and he determines the amount of money that the participant of the camp contributes as the compensation.
3. For the period of stay, each of the participants is obliged to hand in a refundable deposit of 100 PLN.
4. The participant is responsible for damage caused to third parties while on the camp.
5. The organizer does not take any responsibility for the behavior of the participants toward third parties during the camp.
6. The organizer does not look after any of participants property and belongings during the camp. In particular the organizer does not take any responsibility for belongings left in the area of the camp.
7. The organizer provides accident insurance policy for the participants during the camp.

1. In case of not participating in the camp, the participant is not entitled to a refund of whole or part of fees, subject to paragraph 3-5.
2. An expelled participant covers the cost of returning. The expelled participant is not entitled to a refund for the remaining duration of stay.
3. Resignation from the camp should be provided in a written form, before the camp’s starting date. Resigning from the camp results in deduction of paid fees by:
1) 50% of camp’s price, if resigned at least 20 days before the starting date,
2) 90% of camp’s price, if resigned 20 days or less before the starting date.

4. In cases when the participant is unable to participate due to sudden health problems, exception from paragraphs 1 and 2 is allowed – only under condition of notifying of this fact before the starting date of the camp and submitting medical certificate proving that.
5. There is a possibility of a full refund in case of resigning when the participant finds a replacement in his place.

6. In case of camp cancellation due to lockdown or decision of ALK Rector, campers will receive 100% refund of paid money.

All maters covered by above regulations and issues concerning the camp and its participants that are not covered by the regulations shall be settled by the organizer or by the Camp Manager.

It is forbidden to leave the facility without the permission of the Camp Manager.
